an apology, a recommendation, & a poem, oh my

AN APOLOGY: Sorry for sucking.

I feel bad that I am terrible at consistently updating this blog, so for you precious, lovely few who read this, I am sorry. Please keep reading. It validates me, and I like that.

A RECOMMENDATION: Read my friend’s blog!

My best friend just started her own blog, and she is brilliant, witty, incredible, talented, magnificent and everything you could ever dream of. Go read it. I laughed out loud a bunch. She’s glorious.

In honor of her starting a blog and also because I have been terrible and haven’t posted anything in awhile, here is a poem for you to read. My baby blogger friend is the friend mentioned in the poem, so yeah.

A POEM: Empusa

A friend once said that if she ever wrote a novel about me, that she would call it “The Acquisition”
because I am obsessed with acquiring love.
That conversation has haunted me because never before had someone so simply illuminated for me my own desperation,
And the sensation of discovering a flaw is one that demands to be felt fully
Needs to be rolled around over your tongue so that you can taste every flavor of feeling.
Realizing the obviousness of your faults leaves a taste that is bitter,
but not altogether unpleasant.
Truth makes it easier to swallow
So I drank in her words
Because she was right:
I am always seeking to acquire love.
But the real problem is more harsh, more acerbic than just desire;
The real problem is that I am a vampire.
And the acquisition is never enough–

I need more,

And I will always need more

For I am an unfillable pit.

And I will drain you then drown you in your own affection.
I will get drunk off of needing you.
And the taste will be bitter,
but not altogether unpleasant.
Now I drink in my own words because I can’t escape their truth, and
If my friend ever writes a novel about me, I will tell her that she should call it “The Exsanguination”
because I am obsessed with acquiring love.